Chrissy Snow

Birthday: 16th January
Location: New York, NY

Avg Rating: 0.0
Cute new girl from New Jersey who was urged to contact the site by her boyfriend. Very natural girl next door type who who grew up as a girl, having been born intersexed. She said her breasts grew naturally as a young teen. Very friendly with a nice personality...hope we'll see more of her!
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Chrissy Snow Appears in...

Shemale Pornstar: Chrissy Snow (Full DVD)
85 min video
Starring: Chrissy Snow
Shemale Pornstar Chrissy Snow features five hot scenes from one of Shemale Yum’s most popular models. This New Jersey girl is the horniest girl next door type I’ve ever seen, as shown in these three sizzling hardcore scenes and two mouth-watering solo scenes.

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